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Igancio P...

Military Child experience.

Culture, faces, country, language, that’s what I see all the time that I need to change city or country. I’m Ignacio and I’m a military child of Spain.The life of a military child is very cool and horrible. Change friends, change school or even country. Most people don’t know but even changing from city to city in your own country is difficult. In Spain it is not normal to spend just 3 years in one country and then 3 years in another. You can be 2 years trying to find a good friend and in the 3rd you finally find a friend. But that will be your last year with him because next year you are moving again to another place. The worst part is when you finally find the place that you like and you want to be. You need to move and again the same way 3 years to move again far away from your friends and finally.There are good opportunities in life to learn languages, culture, and new ways of life. There are opportunities that will never happen again. My friends in Spain will never think of being in a country far away from yours. With people from Italy, America, Canada, Greece, and Eslovenia. The life of a military child has good and bad opportunities, Thanks for reading. I.P.R.

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