Boxes Tape and paper Moving, moving, moving Suitcases A tearful goodbye Leaving, leaving, leaving A foreign country New friends, New school This isn’t so bad Finally, High school...
Alivia Miller
Being a military child But on our faces we always smiled Some of them go through hard time And some of them done crime Parents leaving for work Dad goes to war It was never like this before...
Zemon Davis
The season has come Following the orders to Stationed and living places And again, when seasons come Season end to live
Zane Gutierrez
Life is a constant stress Striving for the next success The horizon always seems unclear But we must anticipate all that is near We are the military children To leave behind our world we are...
William Rhyne
Another new school Full of new people to see But will they see me?
Victoria McMahon
Being in the military is a big responsibility not just for adults but kids too They have to go through the struggle of moving schools and making new friends They also might have to worry...
Travis Popovich