Change is in the air Many memories to come But will I like it
Malia Hutchins
The time has come once again I must pack away all I own to someplace new Leave it all behind and start fresh All the friends and memories behind me People will come and people will go No one...
Makayla Clouse
Moving across the vast seas Meeting new people A new place home to call home New life adventures Experiencing cultures
Maja Maule
Every couple years It happens again Sadness everywhere Some luckier than others Sometimes we get lucky Will get to live another life Sometimes we’ll be lonely But it never lasts too long...
Lucas Smith
He was amazing A person I could laugh with A person who I could connect to A true friend She was caring A person who I could cry with A person who I could confide to They were my friends...
Leela Lilly
Can’t trust the unknown, I am forced to prove myself. Once I do, I leave.
Kayla Lingle