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Hello, my name is Alice. I am a military child. Today I will be telling you about my life and about being a military child. I was born in Okinawa. I stayed here for 1 year then to Virginia for 2 years, then to Florida for 3 years, and now I’m back in Okinawa for 7 more years. Florida was nice but scary because once my entire family was chased by two big dogs. Another time, my mom, brother and I were being chased by 1 big dog and my mom threw me and my brother's apple to the dog. Then we all ran home and we closed the garage door very quickly. In Okinawa I really like it because I get to go to my grandparents and I feel like a queen every time I go. Also my family will go to a beach and camp there.

A celebration I remember while being a military child was when my dad came home from the Philippines and a day before he came home me and my brother made a welcome home sign with cardboard and popsicle sticks. Our dad was very happy. My challenges are my dad being deployed and moving to a different state and leaving friends behind. Some advice you can take is that don't worry about moving, you will make new friends. Advice for deployment is that you can talk to a friend and calm down.

Remember that being a military child is an amazing opportunity!

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