Cheery voiced, familiar visitors The Mockingbirds Sweet statebirds 50 years later, they had advanced Very territorial The Mockingbirds Swooping down on people or animals, pigs squealing Car...
Renee Shone
“Many tongued mimic” Nearly disappeared Survived Colonized the New York suburbs Recent arrivals in the East Ability to mock or mimic, Frogs, Pigs squealing, Dogs barking Wheels squealing...
Gabrielle Murphy
I am From… I am from the salty sea air And the road made of shells From my heart pounding in my ears As I search for the Ghost in the Graveyard From the rattle of a horse trailer As twelve kids...
Emma Smathers
They nearly disappeared. Mimicking their own reflection. Attacking white. Gurgling black. Gray. Winter. Summer- A popular, colorful, adaptable song. The animals colonize....
Aubriana Benningfield
The mockingbird, It soars through the air looking for something its not It's always injuring itself, tumbling through the air distracted by the beauty of another bird People pass by watching it...
Haylie Velez
I am a Japanese kid and you can tell by looking at my face I am from Japan but I have moved around the world if you can tell in any case I have learned a second language with help of my...
Yuzuki Sibley