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2024/Alexis -

My Military Life

All About Me

When I got ready to move, my friends were sad. They made a goodbye party for me. My Teacher was kind, and she packed up all my things for me. One time, when we moved, they got rid of my couch! I didn’t like that. When I got to my new school, I just tried to be myself. I try to make friends with kids

who like me for me. I have lived in places, like Cuba, Florida, Hawaii, and Japan. Hawaii was my favorite place to live. I was born in Hawaii. When I got to my new school, I noticed that they make us wait in line outside. When my Dad leaves on deployments, I’m happy, because I get to do anything I want.

When someone comes to my school as a new kid, I’m going to be kind to them, like everyone was to me. If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose Australia.

My Dad and the Navy

My Dad’s name is Stephen. He has four sisters and two brothers. He is a Master-At-Arms in the United States Navy. He is a Police Officer for the Navy. My Dad says that meeting new people and teaching them new things is something that he likes about his job. What he enjoys best about his job, is catching the bad guys and keeping people safe.

His favorite food is gumbo. He likes to play video games in his free time with his friends. My Dad says that his friends supporting him by listening to him and helping out. He loves making people laugh, and this helps out a lot when it comes to making new friends any time we have to move to a new location.

The most interesting thing my Dad has ever seen is the Rock of Gibraltar.

Our Family

One of the most difficult things about moving, he thinks, is that making new friends is always touch, but it is exciting. My Mom does all the packing for us. Her system works better than my Dad’s!

He loves his family. He enjoys drawing with his daughter and son. My Dad says that he loves teaching us new things.

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