Born in Yokosuka, Japan, I went to a public Japanese kindergarten then to an on-base kindergarten at Atsugi, Japan. At the time, I barely had a concept that there were other places than the United...
Leah Tetreault
Tyler Steenhoven
They set out to sea without me. Sitting sipping on my tea waiting for something. I look out to the gentle breeze feeling like a leaf. Always moving, not sleeping, only looking for that special...
David-Juan Shimizu
Taisei Shimakura
Up down all around moving is a pain it all feels in vain. Losing friends is sad but It just might not be that bad. For we keep moving up and down and all around. Up down and all around we are...
Aidan Scherr-Tefft
Growing up in a military family, I experienced a lot of different adventures and changes. My dad’s job took us to different places, and each move meant starting over in a new school, making new...
Ashley Santana