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I’m Ava, I’m 11 years old, and I'm a military child. I get to travel to new places like Japan, try new foods, experience new cultures, and see famous buildings. Part of my life has been spent in places other than the USA, which makes me very lucky to be able to leave the country and see new places.

A disadvantage is that I always am moving. Imagine that you have lived in this one place for 3 years then your parents sit you down and tell you that you are moving. You have to leave all your friends and sometimes family behind. Of course you can still call them but it's never the same as talking and seeing them in person. Also, sometimes your parents leave you for months at a time.

I have been to Japan and I lived in New Orleans. When I moved to Japan, I had to adapt to a new place and new culture. America is very different from Japan. Did you know that Japanese do NOT like tips and that if you slurp the ramen then that means the food you ate was just good and it’s considered nice? In America it is considered rude.

In conclusion I love my life and I like to visit other places and explore the countries of the world. I love being a military child and I would not change a thing. Always just remember that you will always have friends and family forever.

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