April marks the month of the military child, Celebrating the bravery of those who smile, Despite the challenges they face everyday, As they support their families in every way In a world...
Hana Au
Military Kids Brave, resilient, they stand Beside their hero. Their sacrifices now kept, Honored with love and respect.
Ethan Bricker
Forced to wear a facade of strength Despite the pain hidden beneath Locations blur, I start to become numb To these feelings I must not succumb Forming connections I thought would last...
Detrick Lester
Born into this life Our parents joined the forces Air Force brats is what we are We make friends along the way We are in Japan
Christopher Stone
Is never ever one home Leaving friends and family Never in one place for long On the move every year Never a true home
Christian Caraballo
Best friends scattered far longing to be with them again Waiting patiently
Braedan Raybon